In the Ecommerce channel, effective analytics are a must. If you are not answering all the below questions (and many others) confidently, it’s time to upgrade.

How do promotional activities of competitor products affect our business? 

What about our own promotional activities? Are we promoting the correct product? What are people searching for online? 

Are we priced at the correct level? Are there online channels where pricing interferes with any contractual agreements? 

Are we competitive on a page rank level? 

Are our reviews good?  A downward trend indicates a quality problem. 

Can we identify the effects of 3rd party activities? Diversion? Unauthorized sellers? Is this causing a quality issue?

Our Ecommerce analytics tool ‘Line Item’ is the perfect solution for your Ecommerce business. Our algorithms will collect, track and analyze a multitude of fine details related to your product and also your competitors’ products on a daily basis.

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It’s all in the details:

With ‘Line Item’ you will be able to track SEO and page rank for your product and also your competitors’ products. It will also identify if the product descriptions are flawless and consistent and if the images are best they can be. If you are selling a premium product, ‘Line Item’ will identify other products very similar to it but lower grade, lower price. It’s an indicator your business could also be looking at offering a lower grade, lower price product and keeping the premium one under a premium or upgraded category for an increased price. ‘Impostor’ products are also being identified – repackaged items or lookalike and described alike products.

Reviews! Research shows that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. If you find yourself with a product rated overall less than 4 – 4.2 you have to understand why. ‘Line Item’ will track all reviews, good and bad, both yours and the competitors’ products.

‘Robotic’ pricing activity is also being tracked. Price matching, even lower by a few pennies, will sway customers from one seller to another. ‘Line Item’ and its algorithms can identify such activities on a daily basis.

What’s the data that we capture?

  • E-Tailer;
  • Search term – we make our own search terms proven to have a better search result;
  • Date/Time;
  • Items on ALL pages;
  • For each item:
    • Page and rank on page;
    • Description;
    • Promotion;
    • Review score and count;
    • Selling price;
    • List Price;

How are we different?

  • ‘Line Item’ differentiates itself from any other Ecommerce analytics tools by the extreme deep dive it takes into the item attributes and the ability to translate that into crucial information for any Ecommerce seller.
    • Because we capture UPCand SKU, if you have access to our sales volume from the Ecommerce site, we can report sales-to-promotion, sales-to-price, sales-to page rank etc. across all sites.
    • Also very importantly we harmonize yours and your competitors’ products across sites even if descriptions are different. We can directly match your products to competing products.

How do we do it?

For EVERY item, we capture:

  • Brand;
  • Size;
  • Packaging;
  • Segment;
  • Style;
  • Flavor;
  • Nutrition facts;
  • Claims;

Results can be presented as often as daily in the form of a dashboard but we also offer in depth web analytical services so our clients can focus on their successful businesses.

Click here to get in touch with Ironbridge now.